Natural Disasters Archives - Bethany Moulden

Hurricane Beryls Impact and Jamaicas Response

Impact Assessment Hurricane beryl and jamaica – Hurricane Beryl unleashed its fury upon Jamaica, leaving a trail of devastation that has profoundly impacted the country’s infrastructure, property, and agricultural sector. The immediate consequences are dire, while the long-term repercussions will continue to shape Jamaica’s economy and society for years to come. The storm of Hurricane … Read more

The Devastating Greenfield, Iowa Tornado: A History of Destruction and Resilience

Tornado History in Greenfield, Iowa: Greenfield Iowa Tornado Greenfield iowa tornado – Greenfield, Iowa, has a long and devastating history with tornadoes. These powerful storms have repeatedly struck the community, leaving behind a trail of destruction and heartbreak. The first recorded tornado in Greenfield occurred in 1844. Since then, the city has been hit by … Read more